National Motorists Association Logo

Every driver should be a member of the National Motorists Association.

Police Car

When you see a police car on the side of the road, it should make you feel more safe. So why doesn't it?

Across the United States, even the most careful, safe drivers on the road would probably admit to being nervous when they spot a police officer enforcing traffic laws. Instead of inspiring feelings of safety, our traffic laws are used to create fear. Can this ever change?

Officer Writing Ticket

You deserve every speeding ticket you get. You can complain all you want after the fact, but it's true. Find out why.

It's one of the "great" American past times: complaining about unfair speeding tickets. There are two types of people when it comes to complaining about this particular type of traffic ticket. Which group are you in?

Speed Trap Cartoon

7 Stories of Speed Trap Revenge: These drivers didn't let the authorities get away with their corrupt traffic enforcement practices.  See how the little guys fought back.

This collection of stories will definitely entertain you, but make sure you don't buy into the underlying message. Find out the dangerous myth that these stories perpetuate.

Traffic Jam

Have you ever been in a traffic jam and then after it clears, when you expect to see an accident or some other reason for it, you find nothing? Find out what causes these traffic jams.

It's not what causes these traffic jams, it's who. There's a specific type of driver to blame and the worst part is that they love doing it and refuse to stop. Who is wasting your time?

Dirty Trick

3 dirty tricks that the ticket camera industry uses to steal money from safe drivers. Discover what you don't know.

Despite years of evidence showing that ticket camera companies don't care about safety and will do anything for a buck, there are few tricks that the average driver often fails to notice. You can help expose them.

Vehicle Being Searched

Would you give strangers with guns permission to open your car door, sit down inside, and start looking through your personal belongings? No? Sorry, too late.

Most people don't understand just how much of their rights have been taken from them. Some people realize it and take action. Find out what kind of person you are.